Library Rules

  1. The school library and reading room foster among the students the habit of reading by  providing them with a well selected collection of books and periodical on a wide range of subjects of interest.
  2. Perfect silence and order must be maintained in the library.
  3. Students shall write the date and name of the book distinctly on the Library card, but  first of all they are requested to ascertain whether the book they want is available or not.
  4. No one shall keep the book with them for more than 14 days.
  5. A book may be issued for a further period of 14 days if there is no demand for it.
  6.   Students shall handle the books carefully. Any damage done have to be made good.
  7. Books lost have to be paid for.
  8. Students shall return the library books before the final examination. Those  who do not return them will not be allowed to sit for the examination.

         N.B. Examine your book carefully before you leave the library. If you find the book is damaged bring it to the notice to the librarian or the person in-charge immediately, otherwise you will be held responsible. The School management reserves the right to add, to alter or amend any of these rules and the same shall be binding on the parents and the pupils.